


We began our journey with the intention of bringing along those individuals who are working to safeguard the environment. We people produce a lot of waste, which is doing havoc on the environment. We must aim towards a zero-waste policy from now on. We must incorporate simplicity and sustainability into our daily lives. Art is a tool with numerous skills and a variety of ways for an artist to express their vision through their work, inspiring others. With ECO AWARE ART GALLERY, let's establish a new trend. Our artwork will be made using old, discarded, recycled, and discovered items. We shall not degrade the environment in order to do our tasks. Our Gallery is certain that it will bring Transparency and Equity to the Zero Waste Art World. Around the world, the Eco Aware Team will aim to spread the message DON'T USE AND THROW, JUST USE AND GROW. Artists should employ as much discarded and recycled materials as possible in their work. The ECO Aware Art Gallery is dedicated to environmental advocacy and bringing attention to environmental issues.



Our objective is to show how, as artists, we can benefit the environment via our work, because an artist's work sends a message to society without saying anything. Our slogan is not simply REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE; it is also our aim to generate zero waste since our world is finite, and so our resources are finite. As a result, as people who work in the creative area, we have a dual obligation to be alert and to take care of the rest.

As a result, we've opened this gallery, where every event show will be tied to environmental awareness.Waste, found, and recycled-materials-based art will be encouraged and displayed. When we announced our inaugural exhibition, "Waste To Create," for October 2020, we were ecstatic to get responses from all across the world. We received over 800 applications from all around the world and chose 151 artists from 46 different nations. We awarded our artists the title of ECO WARRIORS since all of their amazing pieces were produced using waste recycled and discovered materials. With the same concept in mind, we're presenting the 2nd International online art exhibition "DISPOSE TO REUSE," in which artwork must be made from textile waste such as fabric scraps and old clothing. We find it astonishing how much garbage an artist makes accidentally as an artist who devotes most of their time to conservation and environmental improvement! There is so much trash, from empty paint tubes to plastic covering canvases, colourful pencil shavings to fabric scraps, that our objective is to be mindful of the natural environment and make decisions that assist rather than harm it. Using safe and non-toxic building supplies, saving energy and water, recycling, advocacy, and other methods are some of the ways to develop environmental consciousness. The single most essential function of environmental awareness is to educate people about the hazards of continuing to consume as we do now. This is because people must have a thorough awareness of the risks to our planet in order to completely comprehend the magnitude of the devastation. As a result, environmental health, sustainable development, and global warming are all hot subjects. As a result, you as an individual should seek to decrease your carbon footprint, which may be accomplished in a variety of ways. Going paperless, recycling, using solar energy for electrical appliances, and avoiding using any sort of plastic, such as crackers, are all good ideas. Small actions add up rapidly, and the more of these actions you take, the less carbon dioxide you emit. Don't get discouraged if the news headlines don't make you feel hopeful. Even if you make a minor adjustment in your life, you are making a significant contribution to our world. We've relied on plastic as an inexpensive, adaptable, and long-lasting material since the late twentieth century. However, because the bulk of plastic materials take decades to disintegrate, all of the plastic that has been dumped in Indian landfills still remains – and yet we continue to produce and use more of it. That plastic needs to go someplace, and in underdeveloped nations, it's typically discarded carelessly on land or in rivers before ending up in the ocean, endangering marine life. The reality is that the amount of plastic on our planet — and the amount that is still being created — is simply too much for us to handle. As a result, in order to secure a safe and healthy future for our planet, we must modify our attitudes and actions regarding plastic. Plastic will blanket 90% of our globe in 2050, and 75% of wild species has been wiped off in the previous 50 years. It is not too late if we all start with little steps to undo the harm done to the Earth. As a result, with this gallery, we fully support and encourage work created from waste materials, as our top aim is to conserve our world.





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