About Us


About Us

At Eco aware art gallery, we re convinced that our gallery will bring trasparency and equity to the zero waste art world. Eco aware team will try to conway message "DON,T USE AND THROW ,JUST USE AND GROW to artists around the globe that use waste and recycle materials in your artwork as far as possible. Eco aware art gallery concerns itself with ecological activism and the highlightning the isues just like art in nature uses natural found materials to create beautiful piece of artwork.Our vision is how as an artists we help environment with our work. because an artist gives a message to the society without saying anything from his art work. our mission is not just reduce, reuse and recycle but to create zero waste is our priority . our planet is finite ,resources are finite . so being in a creatie field , we have double responsibility to be aware and do the rest. so we have started this gellery in which every event, Exhibition will be related to eco awareness. in which artwork made by waste, recycled and found materials will be exhibit and promoted.

If you have any query regrading Site, Advertisement and any other issue, please feel free to contact at ecoawareartgallery@gmail.com


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